
Jasna Popović
2) Research
Member of the Selection Committee
Spain / Serbia

Jasna Popović graduated from Law in Belgrade and holds two Masters – one in International public law and another in Human Rights, and now is a PhD candidate at UC3M, Madrid, researching the link between cultural heritage and sustainable tourism.
She has experience in the administration (working in the Serbian Embassy in Spain), cultural heritage NGO sector (collaborating with Hispania Nostra), and private sector collaborating with tourist agencies.
Currently, she is a freelance cultural practitioner and she is collaborating with Hispania Nostra, where she oversees youth involvement, and digital transformation in heritage and EU-funded projects. She is also working as the Coordinator of youth activities for the European Heritage Hub pilot project. She is also very active in ESACH where she has volunteered as Secretary since September 2022.

Flora Bacquelaine Vidal de Llobatera
4) Citizens Engagement & Awareness-raising
Member of the Selection Committee

Flora Bacquelaine Vidal de Llobatera SPAIN She holds a PhD in Humanities, Heritage and Cultural Studies and her professional activity combines cultural management, project evaluation, university teaching and scientific research focused on cultural studies. She has been the coordinator of the Culture and Tourism Commissions in the European Association for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) Euroregió Pirineus-Mediterrània until November 2024. She currently takes part as a team member of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya’s research project “Franco’s regionalism from Catalonia: centripetal practices and discourses” (PID2021-125227NB-I00), an activity that she combines with the task of collaborating lecturer in the Master’s Degree in Cultural Management at the UOC-UdG.

Irene Reyes Suero
4) Citizens Engagement & Awareness-raising
Member of the Selection Committee
Spain / France

Irene Reyes is a young professional specialising in International and European Law passionate about fostering connections between citizens and policymakers. Through her work at prestigious institutions like INTERPOL and UNESCO, she has gained valuable experience in public policy, project management, and international cooperation, focusing on the European and global landscape. Irene’s commitment to civic engagement extends beyond her professional roles—she actively contributes as an Editor at the European Students’ Association for Cultural Heritage (ESACH), where she empowers young voices in the field of cultural heritage.