Davida de Hond
4) Citizens Engagement & Awareness-raising
Member of the Selection Committee
The Netherlands

Davida de Hond is a member of the management team of Museum Arnhem, a museum located in the eastern part of the Netherlands. As head of public and program, de Hond is responsible for education, marketing, communication, programming and exhibitions. Previously she has worked as an entrepreneur in the cultural field, focusing on heritage and community building. She has a focus on participation and education through heritage and art. She also worked for Erfgoed Nederland, the national heritage agency, with a role in the team that focussed on heritage from an international perspective. For the Reinwardt Academy, she has worked on international cooperation projects that focussed on new museology, eco museology, community building and innovation in heritage education.

Besides her different employments, she is also active as an advisor on committees regarding culture and heritage subsidies. In the recent past, she has worked for the Mondriaan Fund, for the municipality of Rotterdam through the RRKC, the Provincial Committee on Culture and Heritage in Gelderland and the fund for Cultural Participation.