Departamento do Património Histórico e Artistico da Diocese de Beja

This is the winner of a Medal

The DPHA gathers a multidisciplinary team of volunteers active in the safeguarding and promotion of the historical churches of the diocese of Beja. The organisation began its work in 1984 as a response to an extremely complex situation characterized by theft and looting of sacred art in the region’s abandoned churches and restoration works by unqualified craftsmen.

Departamento do Património Histórico e Artistico da Diocese de Beja, Beja PORTUGAL

The DPHA launched a computerized inventory of the cultural heritage of the area, created a counselling service as support to local parishes, provides training courses to priests and volunteers, created protection committees in the principal monuments and opened them to the public. It also organized art exhibitions, such as “As Formas do Espirito” and “Entre o Ceu e a Terra”, which have proved to be extremely successful. In 20 years the DPHA have saved over 50 churches and 1000 sacred works of art from destruction.

“For their exemplary perseverance, skill and efficiency in safeguarding the invaluable religious cultural heritage of southern Portugal from destruction and abandonment.”

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